Engine and Electric Parts

#Ref Part Price Qty

1 1 10802010000 Enigne $130.50

2 2 10802010060 Gasket for intake $0.13

3 3 01114060251 Hexagon bolt $0.02

4 4 10802010050 Intake $1.05

5 5 10802020020 O-ring $0.13

6 6 01114060251 Hexagon bolt $0.02

7 7 10802020010 Gasket for carburetor $0.13

8 8 10802020000 Carburetor $9.40

9 9 10807020030 Air filter holder $0.01

10 10 10807020000 Air filter $0.86

11 11 10802060000 Gas/air separater $1.31

12 12 10804070020 Clamp $0.01

13 13 10809090000 Battery $11.09

14 14 10807010000 Muffler $5.88

15 15 01214080201 Hex Flange Bolt $0.04

16 16 04512080021 Hex Flange Locking $0.03

17 17 10807010030 Gasket for Muffler $0.13

18 18 04512060021 Hex Flange Locking $0.03

19 19 01214081151 Hex Flange Bolt $0.18

20 20 01214081051 Hex Flange Bolt $0.13

21 21 10803070000 Chain $2.30

22 22 10809030000 Key switch $1.27

23 23 10802010040 Back cover $4.45

24 24 01224060251 Hex Flange Bolt $0.02

25 25 01114060101 Hexagon bolt $0.02

26 26 10803040000 Clip for sprocket $0.52

27 27 10803030000 Engine sproket $0.08

28 28 10809250000 Remote swtich $4.57

29 29 10809200000 Ignition $0.92

30 30 10809210000 Regulator $1.05

31 31 01224060201 Hex Flange Bolt $0.02

32 32 10809220000 Coil $1.57

33 33 10809350000 Starter relay $1.57

34 34 10809010000 Main wire $5.49

35 35 04612060021 Heagon flange locking $0.03

36 36 10802010020 Magneto $12.53

38 38 10802010030 Spark plug $0.73

39 39 10802010010 Starter motor $9.14

40 40 13509240000 charger $2.92

Title: 1|10802010000|Enigne
Sale price$130.50


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